NOTE: In XHTML, in which ALL tags must have either a separate closing tag or build in the closing, you must write the <hr> tag like this:
<hr />
but if you're using HTML, then you do not need that extra space followed by the />.
WIDTH - Modifies the width of the horizontal rule.
Written as pixels or percentage of page/table width.
Default is 100% of the page width.
ALIGN - Left or right placement on page, if width is less than 100% of page.
Default is center.
COLOR - Most browsers can see different colors. color="#ff9966" is what I have used on this page. Or you can use color names, like "blue" as in the rule below.
SIZE - Controls the height of <hr> tags by using the size="number-of-pixels" attribute. On this page I have used size="6" in the colored <hr> tags. Size seems to also need the color attribute, or the hr line will look like just a plain line!
INVERTBORDER - This attribute was used ONLY by MSN-TV (Web-TV). Unfortunately, Microsoft discontinued MSN-TV in September, 2013.
NOSHADE - The hr line below is hardly visible when I use Google's Chrome browser. I see a gray line above a 5 pixel high "empty" or transparent line, with a barely visible gray line for the bottom border I haven't checked this to see how other browsers display this default hr.
Below is the same except the noshade attribute has been added.
So if you want a default gray hr with height (size) added, to show up, you must use the noshade attribute too.