by Florence W Deems

Some people rely on purchased software programs. But these come with set bundles for backgrounds, layouts, text styles and sizes, color for everything - and these can be confusing. Also, when we use these programs, we're using designs created by others. Sometimes web pages can all start looking alike.

Learning to design our own webpages is very satisfying, because we can tailor their appearance to suit ourselves. What I did was scour the internet for free texture and background images, put them all in a file manager and then tested which ones looked well together.

These codes will create pages with all the info and images contained within one or more tables that are centered on the screen. Doing it this way allows the paragraphs to have restricted widths, so that the readers' eyes won't have to travel clear across a computer's wide screen. This makes reading much easier. A reader is more apt to stay with your page, since it is easy to read.

These pages have fancy borders which consist of 2 or more nested tables. They are very decorative, so shouldn't really be used for serious business pages. For the images I used, I provided the complete url so you can transload them to your own file managers. Please do not link to these images.

For a different style that doesn't use images, I created page designs with one sidebar or two sidebars for more control of placement of info and images on a page. Some have a header and a footer, too. Most of these pages have textarea boxes so you can copy the codes.

The coding I have used for all these pages is very simple, making it easy to substitute your own colors, sizes and images for the ones I have chosen. Remember, the simpler the coding, the faster a page will load. Also, these pages should work well with all computer browsers and perhaps even some notebook and cell phone browsers, too.

Blue & Yellow Blue, No Sidebars
Purple & Mixed Pastels Blue & Pink, One Sidebar
Purple & Orange Navy & White, Two Sidebars
Purple & Aqua Several Greens, Two sidebars
Spruce Green & Sand This Page

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