This page uses an asci code that produces heart shapes. asci codes are not for individual letters, numbers or symbols. Each of these particular combinations will produce a particular symbol - in this case hearts. This is the whole script for this page.

Please note that you must close the space in this line: var snowletter=" " between the &# and the numerals 9829 in the asci code (I had to put the space there to show what you have to type to produce the symbol). Note that it ends with a semi-colon - some browsers require this.
Please note that you MUST use a DOCTYPE tag to start your page, or IE 8 will not load the page. However, you must also use the html 3 DOCTYPE tag. These codes will not work if you use either the html 4 or html 5 DOCTYPE tags!


I am indebted to Linda ( for discovering that asci codes work with this script.