Go to: Image Magick's site.
- Enter url of image into the box. Click on "View" (below).
- Next screen: place cursor around image. Click (arrow moves to image center).
- Move arrow to where you want the UPPER LEFT corner of the link. Click and wait until image reloads.
- Scroll down to below image. Write down "Link 1" and the left set of numbers only, like 50,20
- Place cursor around image again. Click.
- Move arrow to where you want the LOWER RIGHT corner of the link. Click, wait for reloading.
- Scroll down below image. Write down left set of numbers only, like 70,50. The coordinates will be written as: 50,20,70,50
- Repeat steps 2-7 to get the new coordinates for each of the other links. Remember to number each link. Make sure these areas do NOT overlap.
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