Go to: Image Magick's site.
  1. Enter url of image into the box. Click on "View" (below).

  2. Next screen: place cursor around image. Click (arrow moves to image center).

  3. Move arrow to where you want the UPPER LEFT corner of the link. Click and wait until image reloads.

  4. Scroll down to below image. Write down "Link 1" and the left set of numbers only, like 50,20

  5. Place cursor around image again. Click.

  6. Move arrow to where you want the LOWER RIGHT corner of the link. Click, wait for reloading.

  7. Scroll down below image. Write down left set of numbers only, like 70,50. The coordinates will be written as: 50,20,70,50

  8. Repeat steps 2-7 to get the new coordinates for each of the other links. Remember to number each link. Make sure these areas do NOT overlap.

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Tuesday 11th of February 2025 09:46:24 AM

See Flo's Other Tutes

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