Decimal vs Hexidecimal
Color Codes

Converting from Hex to RGB

by Flo
In HTML the Color Values must be specified in the hexadecimal system.
Every value can also be expressed as decimal or hexadecimal in some color tools. In the decimal system the base is 10, in hexadecimal 16.

The 16 Steps Compared
Dec012345 6789101112 131415
Hex012345 6789  A  B   C  D  E  F

Code Equivalents in Decimal and Hexidecimal
Dec00163248 648096112128144 160176192208224240 255
Hex00102030405060 70 80 90  A0 B0 C0 D0  E0 F0 FF

Quickie Color Converter Estimation:

You'll get very close to the original hue, using these 2 methods. If you're not quite satisfied with what you get--too dark or too blue, or whatever, then try adjusting the individual color codes until you get about what you wanted.


HEX codes have 16 steps: 0-9, a (10), b (11), c (12), d (13), e (14), f (15)

RGB: 0-255 steps

255 divided by 15 steps = 17
17 (RGB) = ONE hex step.

Method 1: HEX to RGB:

Example A: ff 66 33 = 255-102-51

RED: ff = just use 255 in the red box.
GREEN: 6 X 17 = 102
BLUE: 3 X 17 = 51

Example B: 33 cc ff = 51-204-255

RED: 3 X 17 = 51
GREEN: 12 X 17 = 204
BLUE: ff = 255

Method 2: fc ed 99 = 229-229-153

RED: fc. f = 15; c = 12. Split the diference = 13.5 RED: 13.5 X 17 = 229
GREEN: ed. e = 14; d = 13. Split the difference 13.5 GREEN: 13.5 X 17 = 229
BLUE: 9 X 17 = 153

When the hex code of a hue is closely split between 2 values, then split the difference on the hex code scale. Or if the difference is really great, then just use the first hex numeral/letter, as that's the stronger channel.

To convert from the RGB code to the hex code:

Just divide whatever number is showing for each of the values by 17. Then use the chart above.

Friday 17th of January 2025 10:42:10 AM

See Flo's Other Tutes

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