Page 5
Fc= blank~Sc=black~Sw=8
Repeat Fc=blank ~ Sc=gray ~ Sw=3
Coords: M10 10 v300 M20 20 v250 M0 30 h300 M0 45 h250
If I had done the same thing using the plain old Line function, I would have had to go to the Draw page 8 times instead of just 2. Or 4 times with Lines and only one time with Path if I hadn`t wanted the doubled lines effect. And actually there`s less typing than using the Line method.
Start with 350x350 white xc bg.
Break down:
First M10 10 = 10 pixels over from the left and 10 pixels down.
v300 = vertical line 300 pixels long.
M20 20 = 20 pixels over and 20 down.
v250 = vertical line #2, 250 pixels long.
M0 30 = 0 pixels over and 30 pixels down.
h300 = horizontal line 300 pixels long.
m0 45 = 0 pixels over from left and 45 pixels down.
h250 = horizontal line number 2, 250 pixels long. |
Path Draw ~ 350x350 , FC=blank , SC=gray , SW=1.
350x275, Fc= blank , Sc= gray , Sw= 1.5
Xc: 170x265; Fill color= gray; Stroke color= gray24; Stroke width =1. Or choose any other colors.
Snag the black gif above or make your own. Coordinates:
Output to clipboard as a gif.
Next choose Transform
Coordinates: +0+10 or +0+15 either will work fine.
Click on Roll; click on Transform
Next choose FX
Erase the 60 in the box and put 3 in it.
Then choose Morph
Click on Effect
Output as a gif, single file
Coords for 200x250 transparent xc (output as gif)
Hint: use only stroke color.
This gif has been cropped.
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