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an Image Magick Tute by Flo
GRAVITY: It's set at Northwest, because the tool measures starting from the upper left corner - or Northwest.

You need a beginning point and an ending point for each line. This means always 2 sets of numbers.

The FIRST and THIRD numbers measure how far from the LEFT side the line is to be.

The SECOND and FOURTH numbers tell how far DOWN from the TOP edge the line is to start or end.

+H+V +H+V

H = Horizontal (across from LEFT edge)

V = Vertical (down from the TOP edge)

HORIZONTALS: If you want a Horizontal (straight across) line that's, say 30 pixels from the TOP edge all the way across:

+??+30 +??+30

The first ?? will be where the line is to START from the LEFT edge. The 2nd says where the line is to END, again measuring from the LEFT edge.

VERTICALS: If you want a Vertical (straight up and down) line that's, say 20 pixels from the LEFT edge all the way down:

+20+?? +20+??

The first ?? says where the line is to START from the TOP edge

The 2nd ?? says where the line is to END, again measuring from the TOP edge.


Get a tablet of graph paper - you know, the stuff marked off in squares. Art supply stores, stationary stores, business supply stores.

  1. Decide how many pixels each square will represent - like 5 or 10.

  2. Input the image into IM.

  3. Then draw the image size on the graph paper.

  4. Use the point and click method to determine where you want the Lines or Polylines or Polygon's stroke to go.

  5. Inside the image space on the graph paper, plot where each corner/turn will be.

  6. Now connect all the lines to all the points.

  7. From this you can then copy down the approximate coords you'll need to actually draw on the image.

  8. Select Draw and then whichever Primitive, Line or Poly-whichever you want. Type in the coords and stroke info. Click on Draw.

  9. Check the results. If the -line or -gon isn't quite where you want it, hit the back key and change the particular pair of numbers you want to change. Repeat until you get what you want.

Graph paper makes it easier for me. Some people can visualize so strongly they might not ever need to use graph paper.

Remember: We are limited only in our imaginations and creativity. When you have mastered Drawing Lines, move on to the Optional Lines tutorials (links below).

5-Pt Star ~ Simple Lines ~ TIPS
Skewing Lines ~ Extreme Lines
Scale & Translate
Rotating Lines ~ Polylines & Polygons

Back to Flo's Image Magick Draw Tutes

Friday 17th of January 2025 10:50:03 AM

Flo's Image Magick Tutes
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