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an Image Magick Tute by Flo
Lines in Draw are the simplest Draws to make. You need to specify only two points, where the line is to start and where it is to end. For the "how to," click here.

Gravity: It's set at "Northwest" for ALL Draws. This tool always measures starting from the upper left (northwest) corner.

  1. Take a plain white background image of 200x200 pixels to any of the Image Magick tool sites. The one I use is Arbor Hosting IM:

  2. Click on Draw. Lines is the Primitive we'll be working with and it's already selected. Delete the settings in the textbox, then enter these settings:

    +0+10 +200+10

    OR: 0,10 200,10 (Be sure to leave a space between the first and 2nd sets of numbers, whether you use the + or the commas.)

  3. Fill Color=delete and leave blank; Stroke Color=#000099; Stroke width=2

  4. Click on Draw button.

  5. The View screen will show you a blue line parallel to the top, 10 pixels down from the edge.

  6. To duplicate the green line of the 200x200 image below, just Click on Draw and Lines again. Delete the first settings and enter the settings for the green line. Change the Stroke Color to #009900 or green. Then click on Draw. You will not see the Annotated numbers, however, just the blue and green lines.

  7. For the red line, copy the red settings and change the Stroke Color to #990000 or red.

How did I know what settings to use for the green and red lines?

  1. When you have the first line result on the View screen, then just put the cursor highlight around the image and click. The cursor will turn blue.

  2. When you see the arrow, use the arrow keys to move the arrow to the position where you want the 2nd line to START. Click. The cursor turns green.

  3. On the next View page, scroll down below the image. Write down the two numbers you see at the left. They will be separated by a coma.

  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3, positioning the arrow on the image where you want the 2nd line to END. Write down those two numbers at the left below the image. You will use these two sets of numbers to Draw that 2nd line. Just follow the directions in the first list above.

TIPS: See also TIPS for a more colorful explanation.

You need a beginning point and an ending point for each line. This means always 2 sets of numbers.

The FIRST number of each set is how far across FROM THE LEFT edge the line is to start or end.

The 2nd number of each set is how far down FROM THE TOP edge the line is to start or end.

VERTICAL line: First number of each set remains the same. (How far from the LEFT side the line will be.) Ex: +10+0 +10+200

HORIZONTAL line: 2nd number of each set remains the same. (How far down from the TOP the line will be.) Blue line above. Ex: 0,10 200,10

SLANTED line: All 4 numbers will be different. Red line above. Ex: +0+120 +200+160

Drawing Lines along the edges of images, or even partway into an image, is a great way to decorate images, instead of or in addition to using the features at Decorate.


Future Dreaming

Koala by Jim
Jim used black lines as negative space
to frame this image.

Remember: We are limited only in our imaginations and creativity. When you have mastered Drawing Lines, move on to the Extreme and Optional Lines tutorials (links below).

5-Pt Star ~ Simple Lines ~ TIPS
Skewing Lines ~ Extreme Lines
Scale & Translate
Rotating Lines ~ Polylines & Polygons

Back to Flo's Image Magick Draw Tutes

Friday 17th of January 2025 10:44:43 AM

Flo's Image Magick Tutes
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by Tone By Tone Dot Net

Tandem Tooters
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