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Before you start, you will need to pick 3 tones of the same color: one light, one medium and one dark. Some named colors have 4 tones, such as peachpuff1, peachpuff2, peachpuff3 and peachpuff4. Usually the 1 can be the lightest, either 2 or 3 for the medium, and of course 4 for the darkest. If you know how to change the hex codes of a medium color to lighter and darker, then you can choose to do the color that way.

At an IM, make a 200x300 white xc background.


  1. Create a 3-dimensional "bar" first with a medium tone Line:

    • Parameters: 0,15 200,15
      - Fill Color = blank
      - Stroke Color = (medium tone)
      - Stroke Width = 10
      Click on Draw.

    • Use the arrow-click to find how far down from the top of the image the TOP of the Line is. Then SUBTRACT one pixel from the height. This is the height setting for the lightest Line. Write it down.
      - Stroke Color = (light tone)
      - Stroke Width = 2
      Click on Draw. If the placement doesn't look right, back up and change the 2 height numbers.

    • Use arrow-click to find how far down from the image top the BOTTOM of the wide Line is. Then ADD one pixel to the height. Now you have the height setting for the darkest Line. Write it down.
      - Stroke Color = (dark tone)
      - Stroke Width = 2
      Finish as above. Your bar should look 3-dimensional, light on top and dark beneath.

  2. Make two more 3-D bars. Place one in the middle of the background and the third near the bottom. Choose different colors for each bar. Make the middle of one bar wider (Stroke Width) than the 10 for the first bar. Make the middle of the other bar less than 10 pixels. Write down the settings.

  3. Output as a jpeg and save. Name it "Extreme-Lines1.jpg"


Below are some images to choose from:

  1. Choose one of the above images. At IM, go to Decorate and give it a Border 25x25, black.

  2. Choose a color that will compliment the image. Draw a 3-D top bar, as above, making it a little wider than the image itself, so it extends and looks like a hanging bar. Write down your settings for all 3 lines and colors.

  3. Go to Transform and Flip.

  4. In Draw, repeat the 3 Lines - Important: Put the DARK color on TOP and the LIGHT color on the BOTTOM this time.

  5. Transform/Flip again. Now the image should have a top and bottom bar that could be used for hanging it, if it were real.

  6. Output as a jpeg and save. Name it "Extreme-Lines2.jpg"

When you have finished both images, post them at PeeGee's NG. For Extreme-Lines1.jpg and Extreme-Lines2.jpg, also post the settings you used. Follow the posting protocol you have been using for previous lessons. Most of all, have fun doing these.

Extreme Lines Tute

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