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an Image Magick Tute by Flo
Before clicking, read paragraph below

Do you see any lines in this image above? Well, there are actually 6 lines; 3 each form the top and bottom "frame." The top line of each "stick of wood" is a light shade of the middle (wooden) hue of the frame color; Stroke Width is 2. The bottom line of each "stick" is a much darker shade of the frame color; Stroke Width is 2. These lines give the illusion of light hitting the top of the sticks, while the bottom is in shadow. The main part of the sticks is the middle shade of the frame color; Stroke Width is probably 10.

So you see, we can use simple lines to create an illusion of depth. Just change the Stroke Color and Width to do so.

I made the top and bottom "bars" of the title image the same way. All you have to do is to put 3 lines of varying Stroke Widths together:

Make a 400x25 Xc bg at IM

Top line: Stroke Color=#9999ff; Stroke Width=3; numbers:
+0+2 +400+2

Middle line: Stroke Color=#6666ff; Stroke Width=11; numbers: +0+12 +400+12

Bottom line: Stroke Color=#333399; Stroke Width=3; numbers: +0+23 +400+23

These settings are for the image above that shows the separate lines.

To put them together, as in the title image:

Make a 400x100 Xc bg at IM

Top line: Stroke Color=#9999ff; Stroke Width=3; numbers:
+0+2 +400+2

Middle line: Stroke Color=#6666ff; Stroke Width=11; numbers: +0+9 +400+9

Bottom line: Stroke Color=#333399; Stroke Width=3; numbers: +0+16 +400+16

These settings will give you the top bar. To do the bottom bar, go to Transform, click on Flip and then click on Transform below that. Use the same settings as above, except switch the colors of the Top and Bottom lines. This is so the illusion of the light hitting from the top will be maintained. Flip the image again, and you'll see the title image before annotation.

Remember: We are limited only in our imaginations and creativity.

5-Pt Star ~ Simple Lines ~ TIPS
Skewing Lines ~ Extreme Lines
Scale & Translate
Rotating Lines ~ Polylines & Polygons

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Tuesday 11th of February 2025 09:39:18 AM

Flo's Image Magick Tutes
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